There are many harmonies of the Life of Christ available. This particular harmony is the one used here to build the Life of Christ series. You can download a PDF version of this harmony here, as well.
Purpose | Time | Place | Miracles | Speaking | Notes & Events | Matt | Mark | Luke | John |
Birth and Youth | 30 yr | Nazareth | None | None | Genealogies | 1:1-17 | 3:23-38 | ||
Prophecies (Isaiah 7:14) | 1:31 | ||||||||
Announcement | 1:18-25 | 1:26-56 | |||||||
Journey to Bethlehem | 2:1-7 | ||||||||
Shepherds Worship | 2:8-20 | ||||||||
Circumcision (Temple visit) | 2:21-39 | ||||||||
Wise Men | 2:1-12 | ||||||||
Egypt | 2:13-23 | ||||||||
Nazareth | 2:41-52 | ||||||||
Public Presentation | 2.5 yr | ||||||||
Ministry Opening | 3-5 mnth | Judea | Public | Clear | Baptism | 3:13-17 | 1:9-11 | 3:21-23 | |
Temptation | 4:1-11 | 1:12-13 | 4:1-13 | ||||||
First Disciples | 1:35-51 | ||||||||
Wedding at Cana | 2:1-11 | ||||||||
Early Judea | 8 mnth | Judea | Public | Clear | First Cleansing of the Temple | 2:13-32 | |||
(around Passover) | |||||||||
Gathering the Disciples | |||||||||
Meeting with Nicodemus | 2:23-3:21 | ||||||||
John the Baptist | 3:22-36 | ||||||||
Leaving Judea/Woman at the Well | 4:12 | 1:14 | 4:5-45 | ||||||
Galilee | 18 mnth | Galilee | Public | Clear | Nobleman's son healed | 4:46-54 | |||
Initial rejection at Nazareth | 4:16-31 | ||||||||
Four fishermen called | 4:18-22 | 1:16-20 | |||||||
Denomic healed on the Sabbath | 1:21-28 | 4:31-37 | |||||||
Peter's mother-in-law healed | 8:14-17 | 1:29-34 | 4:38-41 | ||||||
First Preaching Tour | Galilee | Four fishermen become full time followers | 5:1-11 | ||||||
A leper healed | 8:2-4 | 1:40-45 | 5:12-16 | ||||||
Paralytic lowered through the roof | 9:1-8 | 2:1-12 | 5:17-26 | ||||||
Matthew called | 9:9-13 | 2:13-17 | 5:27-32 | ||||||
Three parables | 9:14-17 | 2:28-22 | 5:29-31 | ||||||
Lame man healed on the Sabbath | 5:1-17 | ||||||||
Exposition on the Sabbath and salvation | 5:18-47 | ||||||||
Picking grain in the fields | 12:1-8 | 2:23-28 | 6:1-5 | ||||||
Man with a withered hand healed | 12:9-14 | 2:23-28 | 6:6-11 | ||||||
Teaching by the Sea of Galilee | 12:15-21 | 3:7-12 | |||||||
Twelve Apostles chosen | 3:13-19 | 6:12-16 | |||||||
Sermon on the Mount | 5:1-8:1 | 6:17-49 | |||||||
Centurion's son healed | 8:5-13 | 7:1-10 | |||||||
Widow's son raised at Nain | 7:11-17 | ||||||||
John the Baptists' question | 11:2-19 | 7:18-35 | |||||||
Pronouncing woes | 11:20-30 | ||||||||
Woman annoints Jesus' feet | 7:36-50 | ||||||||
(parable of the debtors) | |||||||||
Second Preaching Tour | Galilee | We only have one day recorded of this tour | |||||||
Jesus' family comes to sieze him | 3:20-21 | ||||||||
Pharisees make a blasphemous accusation | 12:22-30 | 3:22-27 | |||||||
Unpardonable sin | 12:31-37 | 3:28-30 | |||||||
Jesus' family intervenes | 12:46-50 | 3:31-35 | 8:19-21 | ||||||
First parables | 13:1-52 | 8:4-39 | 4:1-34 | ||||||
(Sower, seed, tares, mustard seed) | |||||||||
(leaven, hidden treasure) | |||||||||
(pearl of great price, net, householder) | |||||||||
Calming the tempest | 8:18, 23-27 | 4:31-41 | 8:22-25 | ||||||
Gadarene denomic healed | 8:28-34 | 5:-20 | 8:26-39 | ||||||
Third Preaching Tour | Galilee | Jairus' daughter healed | 9:17-26 | 5:21-43 | 8:40-56 | ||||
(woman healed by touching Jesus' hem) | |||||||||
Two blind men healed | 9:27-31 | ||||||||
Mute denomic healed | 9:32-34 | ||||||||
(repetition of the blasphemous accusation) | |||||||||
Last visit to Nazareth | 13:54-58 | 6:1-6 | |||||||
Disciples sent out by twos | 9:35-11:1 | 9:1-6 | 6:6-13 | ||||||
Herod's fears | 14:1-12 | 6:14-29 | 9:7-9 | ||||||
Collapse of Galilean Support | Feeding of the 5000 | 14:13-21 | 6:30-44 | 9:10-17 | 6:1-13 | ||||
Jesus refuses kingship | 14:14-15 | ||||||||
Walking on water | 14:22-33 | 6:45-52 | 6:16-21 | ||||||
Gennesaret | 14:34-36 | 6:53-56 | |||||||
People refuse Jesus' spiritual standards | 6:22-71 | ||||||||
Pharisees seek Jesus' life | 15:1-20 | 7:1-23 | 7:1 | ||||||
Private Teaching | 1 year | ||||||||
Training of the Twelve | 6 mnth | Private | Parables | Retreat to a private home | 15:21 | 7:24 | |||
Phonecia | Syrio-Phonecian woman's daughter healed | 15:22-28 | 7:25-30 | ||||||
Decapolis | Deaf and dumb man healed | 7:31-37 | |||||||
Feeding of the 4000 | 15:32-39 | 8:1-10 | |||||||
Galilee | Pharisees demand a sign | 16:1-4 | 8:11-12 | ||||||
Rebuking the disciples | 16:5-12 | 8:13-21 | |||||||
Cesearia-Phillpi | Blind man healed | 8:22-26 | |||||||
Faith of the Twelve tested | 16:13-20 | 8:27-30 | 19:18-21 | ||||||
Three Teaching Cycles | Cesearia-Phillpi | Private | First prophecy of death and resurrection | 16:21-28 | 8:31-9:1 | 9:22-27 | |||
Transfiguration | 17:1-9 | 9:2-8 | 9:28-36 | ||||||
Question concerning Elijah | 17:20-13 | 9:9-13 | 9:36 | ||||||
Foretelling of death and resurrection | 17:22-23 | 9:30-32 | |||||||
Paying the Temple tax with a miracle | 17:24-27 | ||||||||
Who is the greatest? | 18:1-5 | 9:33-37 | 9:46-48 | ||||||
Rebuke for sectarianism | 18:6-14 | 9:38-50 | 9:49-50 | ||||||
Settling disputes | 18:15-35 | ||||||||
(parable of the merciful servant, teaching on forgiveness) | |||||||||
Demands of discipleship | 9:57-62 | ||||||||
Late Judean Ministry | 6 mnth | Mixed | Parables | ||||||
First Trip to Jerusalem | Jerusalem | November | |||||||
(Feast of Tabernacles) | |||||||||
Bitter counsel from Jesus' brothers | 7:2-9 | ||||||||
Travel to Jerusalem | 9:51-56 | 7:10 | |||||||
Reaction to his appearance | 7:11-13 | ||||||||
First dialog | 7:14-24 | ||||||||
Second dialog | 7:25-31 | ||||||||
Third dialog | 7:32-36 | ||||||||
Living water | 7:37-39 | ||||||||
Attempted arrest | 7:40-52 | ||||||||
Encounter with the adulterous woman | 7:53-8:11 | ||||||||
Dialog with the Pharisees | 8:12-59 | ||||||||
(Light of the World, If the Son sets your free ...) | |||||||||
Man born blind healed | 9:1-41 | ||||||||
Judean Countryside | Judea | Sending of the 70 (or 72) | 10:1-24 | ||||||
Parable of the Good Samaritan | 10:25-37 | ||||||||
Visit to Bethany (Mary distracted) | 10:38-42 | ||||||||
Teaching prayer | 6:9-13 | 11:1-4 | |||||||
Parable of the Inopportune Friend | 11:5-13 | ||||||||
Accused of being in league with Beelzebub | 11:14-26 | ||||||||
Blessing through the Word | 11:27-28 | ||||||||
Sign of Jonah | 12:38-45 | 11:29-36 | |||||||
Dining with a Pharisee | 11:37-54 | ||||||||
Preaching to crowds | 12:1-59 | ||||||||
Parable of the fig tree | 13:1-9 | ||||||||
Crippled woman healed | 13:10-21 | ||||||||
Kingdom Parables,,,13:18-21, | |||||||||
Second Trip to Jerusalem | Jerusalem | December | |||||||
(Feast of Dedication) | |||||||||
Discourse on the Good Shepherd | 10:1-21 | ||||||||
Refuses to proclaim himself the King | 10:22-30 | ||||||||
Beyond the Jordan | Perea | Crossing to Perea | 10:40-42 | ||||||
Who will be saved | 13:22-30 | ||||||||
Lament over Jerusalem | 13:31-35 | ||||||||
Dining with a Pharisee | 14:1-24 | ||||||||
Counting the costs | 14:25-35 | ||||||||
Parables about the lost and found | 15:1-32 | ||||||||
(parable of the Prodigal son) | |||||||||
Parable of the unjust steward | 16:1-9 | ||||||||
Waealth and the Law | 16:10-15 | ||||||||
The Law | 16:16-18 | ||||||||
Rich man and Lazarus | 16:18-31 | ||||||||
Parable of the unprofitable servants | 17:1-10 | ||||||||
Teaching on divorce | 19:1-12 | 10:1-12 | |||||||
Third Trip to Jerusalem | Bethany | February | |||||||
Raising Lazrus | 11:1-44 | ||||||||
Beginning of the Passover Plot | 11:45-53 | ||||||||
Retreat to Ephraim | 11:54 | ||||||||
Passion Week | 1 week | ||||||||
Travel to Jerusalem | (from Ephraim, up through Samaria) | ||||||||
(own through the normal path to Jerusalem) | |||||||||
Ten lepers healed | 17:11-19 | ||||||||
Teaching on immanence | 17:20-37 | ||||||||
Prayer for consummation of the Kingdom | 18:1-8 | ||||||||
Parables about entering the Kingdom | |||||||||
(Pharisee and self-righteousness) | 18:9-14 | ||||||||
Disciples bring children | 19:13-15 | 10:13-16 | 18:15-17 | ||||||
Sacrifice | 19:16-30:16 | 10:17-31 | 18:18-30 | ||||||
(parable of the Rich Young Ruler) | |||||||||
Gratitude | 20:1-16 | ||||||||
(parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard) | |||||||||
Foretelling the cross | 20:17-19 | 10:32-34 | 18:31-34 | ||||||
Rebuking James and John for selfish ambition | 20:20-28 | 10:32-34 | 18:31-34 | ||||||
Bartemaeus healed of blindness | 20:29-34 | 10:46-52 | 18:35-53 | ||||||
Visit with Zaccheus | 19:1-10 | ||||||||
Parable of the Ten Minas | 19:11-27 | ||||||||
Saturday | 1 day | Bethany | In Martha's home | 11:55-12:1 | |||||
Feast (anointing with ointment) | 26:6-13 | 14:3-9 | 12:2-8 | ||||||
Judas plans to betray Jesus | 26:14-16 | 10:10-11 | 22:3-6 | ||||||
Sunday | 1 day | Jerusalem | Triumphal Entry | 21:1-11 | 11:1-41 | 19:29-41 | 12:9-19 | ||
Lament over Jerusalem | 19:41-44 | ||||||||
Return to Bethany | |||||||||
Monday | 1 day | Jerusalem | Cursing of the fig tree | 21:18-19 | 11:12-14 | ||||
Second Temple Cleansing | 21:12-14 | 11:15-18 | 19:45-58 | ||||||
(posession of the Temple) | |||||||||
Foretelling the cross | |||||||||
Tuesday | 1 day | Withered fig tree | 21:19-22 | 11:19-26 | 21:37-38 | ||||
Challenging Jesus' authority | 21:23-22:14 | 11:27-12:12 | 20:1-19 | ||||||
Tribute to Caesar | 22:15-22 | 12:13-17 | 20:20-26 | ||||||
Marriage and the resurrection | 22:23-33 | 12:18-27 | 20:27-40 | ||||||
Greatest Commandment | 23:34-40 | 12:28-34 | |||||||
Appeal to David | 22:41-46 | 12:24-27 | 20:41-44 | ||||||
Last public discourse | 21:1-29 | 12:38-40 | 20:45-47 | ||||||
Widow's Mite | 12:41-44 | 20:45-47 | |||||||
Olivet Discourse | 24-25 | 13:1-37 | 21:5-36 | ||||||
Foretelling the cross | 26:1-2 | ||||||||
Plot to kill Jesus | 26:3-5 | 14:1-2 | 22:1-1 | ||||||
Thursday | 1 day | Passover preperation | 26:17-19 | 14:12-16 | 22:7-13 | ||||
Rebuke over position | 22:24-30 | ||||||||
Washes the Disciple's feet | 13:1-20 | ||||||||
Exposes Judas | 27:1-25 | 14:18-21 | 22:31-38 | 13:21-30 | |||||
Judas departs | 26:31-35 | 14:27-31 | 22:31-38 | 13:31-38 | |||||
Last Supper | 26:26-29 | 13:22-25 | 22:17-20 | ||||||
Farewell discourse | 14 | ||||||||
Discourse on the way to Gathsemene | 15-16 | ||||||||
High Priestly prayer | 17 | ||||||||
Jesus suffers | 26:30-36 | 14:32-42 | 22:39-46 | 18:1 | |||||
Friday before dawn | Betrayed and arrested | 26:47-56 | 14:43-52 | 22:47-53 | 18:2-12 | ||||
Examination by Annas | 18:13-23 | ||||||||
(First stage of trial) | |||||||||
Trial before Caiaphus | 26:57, 59-68 | 14:53, 55-65 | 22:54, 63-65 | 18:24 | |||||
(Second stage of trial) | |||||||||
Judas betrays Jesus | 26:58, 69-75 | 14:54, 66-73 | 22:55-62 | 18:15-18, 35-37 | |||||
Friday just after dawn | Condemned by the Sanhedrin | 27:1 | 15:1 | 22:66-71 | |||||
Judas commits suicide (Acts 1:18-19) | 27:3-10 | ||||||||
Before Pilate the first time | 27:2, 11-14 | 15:1-5 | 23:1-5 | 18:28-38 | |||||
(remains silent) | |||||||||
Before Herod Antipas | 22:6-12 | ||||||||
(remains silent) | |||||||||
Before Pilate the second time | 27:15-16 | 15:6-15 | 23:13-25 | 18:39-19:16 | |||||
Mocked | 27:35-56 | 15:16-19 | |||||||
To Golgotha | 27:31-34 | 15:20-23 | 23:26-33 | 19:17 | |||||
On the cross | 27:35-56 | 15:24-41 | 23:33-49 | 19:18-30 | |||||
Burial | 27:57-60 | 15:47 | 23:50-54 | 19:31-42 | |||||
Women's watch | 27:61-66 | 15:47 | 22:55-56 | ||||||
Resurrection | |||||||||
Disciples | 20:26-30 | ||||||||
Beside the Sea of Galilee | 21 | ||||||||
Disciples | 28:16-20 | 16:15-18 | |||||||
(the Great Commission) | |||||||||
James (1 Corinthians 15:7) | |||||||||
Disciples | 24:44-49 | ||||||||
Ascension | 16:19-20 | 24:50-53 | |||||||